We are a large research department: 64 tenured/track faculty, 13 postdocs and growing.
…and a lot of teaching going on, – both internal and service.
Illustrious past: Doob, Blackwell, Burkholder; K.-T. Chen, Haken, Appel; Bourgain…
Who runs the department:
- Department Chair (Prof. Hur)
- Graduate studies: DGS/GAC
- Teaching: Associate Chair for teaching (Prof. Zharnitsky)
A lot of other functions, – check the FAQ page…
Many of you will come here with a firm idea of what research area to follow, – great, but keeps your eyes open.
Other ways to explore, – see who is doing what…
General data on courses in UofI.
program demographics
- 150 PhD students
- 50/50 domestic/international
- 35% women
Admission is a complex process: many interdependent parts; goals; constraints.

All PhD students are fully funded
Most as Teaching Assistants (TA):
- Typically 120 out of 150 students are on TA
- The remainder: RA, fellowship
not all TA jobs are the same:
- Running discussion attached to large lecture (Calculus classes)
- Grading assignments
- Stand-alone course
- Merit program
Assignments often happen in the last minutes, – not always the administration’s fault!
Spread over 3 buildings, Altgeld Hall, Coble Hall and Oil Chemistry Palace. (This semester, Davenport Hall added.)
Assignments, typically stay fixed year to year (although one can always ask for arranged switches).
Rule no. 1 – talk to peers and to us. Help is always near. In particular, talk to advocates.
three stages:
- completing comprehensive requirements
- finding advisor and passing preliminary exam
- doing research
The Holy Text to consult.
comprehensive exams
Early years: Comp system
- Five graduate-level subjects: Analysis, Algebra, + 3 electives
- Exam (Analysis/Algebra) or course. It is possible to bring your past course, if the area Chair and the GAC approve.
- Exams in Analysis/Algebra offered twice a year
- Courses: Analysis/Algebra offered every semester; other courses, once per year
finding research home
- Most students find advisor in 2nd year (expectation: prelim during your 3rd year)
- Difficult process
doing research
Not just between you and the problem! Humans are involved. A lot of difficult places to navigate…
some details
- Typically: 3 courses each semester
- Other departments fine
MS degree:
- Typically gotten at some point
- MS Math, MS Applied Math (several options)
- Also possible in other departments (ECE, Physics)
end of life cycle (here)
- Academia vs. industry: about 50% of each
- Multiple career path programs/activities
- Thinking about role of mathematicians in the world seriously