
a tale of two whiskers

Ali Belabbas proved the following clever result. Consider a Riemannian manifold \(M^m\), and the gradient flow of a generic function \(f\). Then the \(\omega\)-limit of a trajectory starting near a local maxima (i.e., with the starting point drawn from a density \(\lambda^mf(\lambda x)dx\)), consists, with asymptotic certainty as \(\lambda\to\infty\), of at most two local minima […]

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merge tree monoid

\(\def\Real{\mathbb{R}}\def\tree{\mathcal{T}}\) Consider a path metric space \(M\) and a continuous function \(f:M\to \Real\). For simplicity, all such pairs here will have sublevel sets of \(f\) compact (so that the function is bounded from below). Then one can form the so-called merge tree (see, e.g. here, for motivation, and some history), a new topological space (let’s

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Brownian centroids

\(\def\Real{\mathbb{R}}\def\Z{\mathcal{Z}}\def\sg{\mathfrak{S}}\def\B{\mathbf{B}}\def\xx{\mathbf{x}}\def\ex{\mathbb{E}}\) Consider $latex n$ points in Euclidean space, $latex \xx={x_1,\ldots, x_n}, x_k\in \Real^d, n\leq d+1$. Generically, there is a unique sphere in the affine space spanned by those points, containing all of them. This centroid (which we will denote as $latex o(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$) lies at the intersection of the bisectors $latex H_{kl}, 1\leq k\lt l\leq n$,

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domain restrictions and topology

\(\def\Real{\mathbb{R}}\def\Z{\mathcal{Z}}\def\sg{\mathfrak{S}}\def\B{\mathbf{B}}\) Consider a collection of vectors \(e_1,\ldots,e_n\) in the upper half-plane, such that \( e_k=(x_k,1)\) and \( x_1>x_2\gt \ldots \gt x_n\). Minkowski sum of the segments ( s_k:=[0,e_k]) is a zonotope ( \Z). Rhombus in this context is the Minkowski sums \( \Z(k,l)=s_k\oplus s_l, 1\leq k\lt l\leq n\) of a pair of the segments, perhaps

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