We plan a series of activities for the potential PhD students, – but also for those who think about applying for a PhD program at the Department in the future. Mark your calendars!
NB: All times are Central: CST before March 13, CDT after.
open house event calendar
Overview of the Program
March 3, 4-5pm, and March 4, 8:30-9:30am: zoom link.
Karen Mortensen and Yu. Baryshnikov
Internship opportunities and career pathways for Math PhD students
March 4, 9:30am: zoom link.
Richard Laugesen, Luke Leisman, Yuliy Baryshnikov
Ask Me Anything: meeting current graduate students
Talk to current graduate students about whatever you need to know to come here: housing, department climate, nightlife, snowstorms, library,…
March 2 9:30am, March 4 4:30pm, March 7 9:30am, March 8 4:30pm: common zoom link.
Meet Your Potential Advisor (click to see times)
- Jozsef Balogh, March 2, 4:30-5:30pm, zoom link
- Alexander Yong, March 8, 9-10am, zoom link
- Kevin Ford, March 8, 10-11am, zoom link
- Alexandr Kostochka, March 8, 11am-noon, zoom link
- Jeremiah Heller March 9, 12:30-1:30pm, zoom link
- Vesna Stojanoska. March 10, 9:30-10:30am, zoom link
- Eugene Lerman, March 10, 10:30-11:30am, zoom link
Conversation with Faculty
Vesna Stojanoska interviews Eugene Lerman, February 24, 1pm: zoom link
Attend graduate course
Want to see what graduate level courses look like in our Department? here’s your chance:
Eugene Lerman, Algebraic Topology
March 23, 11am: zoom link
Meeting LGBTQIA+ community
Meet some queer math graduate students, learn about the LGBTQIA+ community here and find out more about our experiences.
March 7, 12-1pm: zoom link
Association for Women in Mathematics, U of I Chapter
The graduate student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics would like to invite all prospective (and current) students to learn more about our organization and its activities! This International Women’s Day, we will have a brief presentation with ample time for questions and opportunities to chat. Please note membership is open to all regardless of gender identity or expression, race, color, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability!
March 8, 10-11am: zoom link
AWM Graduate Colloquium: Mina Nahvi will speak about her research interests. Zoom link and further details pending. This event will be open to all, including graduate students, faculty and staff, and prospective students; followed by the “casual coffee hour.”
March 22, 4-5pm: zoom link; 5-6pm coffee hour link.
Teaching and Diversity Seminar: The goal of the Teaching and Diversity seminar is to promote discussion within our mathematics community about diversity and inclusion, and our shared responsibility as teachers to be critical and intentional in our interactions with students and colleagues.
Restricted to current graduate, undergraduate, and prospective grad students.
March 30, 4-5pm: zoom link; 5-5:30 pm coffee hour link; followed by in-person casual coffee session at 5:30pm at Caffe Bene, 524 E Green St, Champaign, IL 61820.
Meeting GEO: Graduate Students Union members in Math
March 25, 12-1pm: zoom link