
ACLU of Illinois thinks mandatory trainings are a form of punishment

From the letter ACLU of Illinois sent today to the U of I leadership: The SJP actions aside, is the ACLU of Illinois of the opinion that compulsory “trainings” of the students (and faculty and staff) multiple steps removed from a controversy is a punishment? a disciplinary action? I have some news for them…

ACLU of Illinois thinks mandatory trainings are a form of punishment Read More »

a tale of two whiskers

Ali Belabbas proved the following clever result. Consider a Riemannian manifold \(M^m\), and the gradient flow of a generic function \(f\). Then the \(\omega\)-limit of a trajectory starting near a local maxima (i.e., with the starting point drawn from a density \(\lambda^mf(\lambda x)dx\)), consists, with asymptotic certainty as \(\lambda\to\infty\), of at most two local minima

a tale of two whiskers Read More »

news of the day: the mandatory workshop poll results

A week or so ago I asked Math graduate students the following: The Climate, Equity and Inclusion Committee of the department of mathematics wants to ask the Office for Access and Equity to conduct mandatory in-person anti-sexual harassment training workshops. For now, it is intended just for the incoming graduate students in our program. This

news of the day: the mandatory workshop poll results Read More »