We plan a series of activities for the potential PhD students, – but also for those who think about applying for a PhD program at the Department in the future. Mark your calendars!
NB: All times are Central: CST before March 12, CDT after.
open house event calendar
Overview of the Program
- March 6, 10-11am Karen Mortensen and Yuliy Baryshnikov: video recording, presentation
- March 7, 4-5pm Karen Mortensen and Yuliy Baryshnikov zoom link
Internship opportunities and career pathways for Math PhD students
- March 6, 2-3pm Richard Laugesen, Luke Leisman, Yuliy Baryshnikov, zoom link.
Ask Me Anything: meeting current graduate students
Talk to current graduate students about whatever you need to know to come here: housing, department climate, nightlife, snowstorms, library,…
Meet Your Potential Advisor
Faculty office hours for prospective graduate students: if you plan to attend, please email the faculty member (click on their name) before the meeting.
- Prof. Dunfield: March 20, 3-4pm: zoom link
- Prof. Erdogan: March 20, 5-6pm: zoom link
- Prof. Kerman: March 21, 1-2pm: zoom link
- Prof. Albin: March 23, 11am-noon: zoom link
- Prof. Heller: March 23, noon-1pm: zoom link
- Prof. Balogh: March 23, 2-3pm: zoom link
- Prof. Yong: March 23, 4-5pm: zoom link
- Prof. Dodd: March 30, 10-11am: Meeting ID: 892 9655 1038, password 998110.
Attend a Graduate Class
- March 23, 9:30-10:50am: Rui Loja Fernandes, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I zoom link
Unions, Faculty and Administration in Academe, a discussion
- March 21, 10am: Yuliy Baryshnikov, Richard Laugesen, zoom link.
Association for Women in Mathematics, U of I Chapter
- March 21, 4pm Maddy Ritter, zoom link.
Meeting LGBTQIA+ community, TBA
Watch this space.